Quarterly Magazine of GDERS
REQUESTED donation from non-members £3,
INCLUDES 1st Issue
Dedicated to the 5th anniversary of GDERS UK

The Society was established in December 2015 as an educational charity focused on the history of the Romanov Dynasty, Grand Duchess Elizabeth among them, and British-Russian connections in the 19th & 20th centuries. The new society attracted a substantial number of members, friends and experts during the five years of its existence and has realized many interesting and useful projects. You can read the inaugural speech of the founder and chairman of the society Maria Harwood at Eastwell Manor and see a gallery of pictures.

A number of articles in this issue are dedicated to our heavenly patroness Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Romanov, starting with the NATIVITY EPISTLE of Metropolitan Hilarion, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, who refers to important dates commemorating her in the coming year 2021.
You will find here a major analytical article about the circumstances of the execution of Saint Elizabeth and five other members of the Romanov family in Alapaevsk (In the Urals): “THE MARTYRDOM OF THE GRAND DUCHESS ELIZABETH: Life of a Saint and Biographical Research”, by Dr Maria Harwood.
We are also publishing THE LAST INTERVIEW of the Grand Duchess given to an American Journalist a few months before her arrest, a very vivid portrait of the Foundress of SS Martha and Mary Convent in Moscow, with a comment from John Harwood.
You can follow the steps of David Gilchrist to SS MARTHA AND MARY CONVENT in the 1980s and after 2000. His impressions as a visitor from Britain are most interesting.
THE ISLE OF WIGHT REPORT of David Hill presents thoughts and reminiscences of the local inhabitants and politicians about the Romanov Monument and its place in the life of the community of East Cowes.
A not so well known member of the Imperial House, Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich, the possible successor of Tsar Nicholas II, his younger brother, is the focus of John Harwood’s review of the latest book by D.Crawford “THE LAST TSAR: EMPEROR MICHAEL ll”.
In this issue we are launching a series of articles under the title: PARALLEL HISTORY: RUSSIA AND BRITAIN. Historian Anna Scriven tells us entertaining stories about Prince Rurik and King Alfred, both famous rulers of Russia and Britain at the same period.
A reminder follows about the sale of our new digital version of the book “The Last Romanovs: Archival and Museum Discoveries in Britain and Russia”, Pindar Press, 2017.
The issue is professionally produced and richly illustrated.
A DONATION of £3 will help to continue the professional production of the Magazine and its printed version. The account for donations – Sort Code: 309986, A/C 83843968. Please include your surname and “Mag” in the reference field. Also please write to Maria Harwood (nd2315@googlemail.com) so that we can email the magazine to you.