East Cowes, Isle of Wight, 6th – 8th of July, 2018
Общество Великой Княгини Елизаветы Романовой в Великобритании организует мемориальные мероприятия в Великобритании, посвященные Столетию убиения Святых Царственных Страстотерпцев и Преподобномученицы Великой Княгини Елисаветы
Ист Каус, Остров Уайт, 6 – 8 июля, 2018
We are inviting everybody to participate in the CENTENARY commemorative programme planned for 6th – 8th of July 2018 in East Cowes, Isle of Wight.
You have the chance to witness an historic event, the UNVEILING of the MONUMENT to the LAST IMPERIAL FAMILY and the GRAND DUCHESS ELIZABETH, MARTYRED during the revolution in Russia, all of them closely related to the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY. The monument will be placed near Osborne House in East Cowes, visited by Romanovs many times. The TOWN COUNCIL of East Cowes is co-organiser of these events.
The Exhibition “THE CROSS OF THE ROMANOVS” will be dedicated to the last days of the Romanovs and to their connections and exchange of visits with the Windsors. Many Romanov belongings and holy objects will be brought from different countries especially for this exhibition which will take place at BARTON MANOR visited by the last Imperial Family in 1909.
We may have some places reserved for you at local hotels. This weekend coincides with the Cowes REGATA. The Hotels must be booked in advance. Please contact us for further enquiries:
Secretary Paul Oxborrow paul.oxborrow0@gmail.com
Chairman Maria Harwood nd1523@hotmail.com,
Coordinator from East Cowes David lovehilluk@yahoo.co.uk